Not surprisingly, Craigslist is a hotbed of scams since the anonymity of the Net affords a rich opportunity for conmen to find victims. One of the most pervasive scams is those involving fake checks. A counterfeit check scam typically works something like this: a buyer replies to a seller s ad and then sends a check for an amount larger than the listed price. The buyer apologizes for the mix-up and asks the seller to wire the excess amount back to them. But when the seller deposits the check Oakley Gascan, they find that it is a forgery and they become liable for the entire amount of the fake check. Alternately, the buyer may contact the seller again after the money has been wired and back out of the deal.
To ease the seller s suspicions the buyer may even ask them to keep an extra amount to compensate them for their trouble. In order to avoid getting burned by this scam, law enforcement officials advise sellers not to wire any money to the buyer until the check clears your bank and the funds are safely in your account. Here are some other tips on how to avoid this scam: Avoid dealing with buyers from overseas. For example, one person who nearly fell for this bogus check scam received an e-mail reply for her ad selling her used bed from a buyer in Spain who claimed they were moving to the US. A few days after receiving the check, she received yet another e-mail reply, this one also from outside the US. Don t deal with buyers who send you certified checks, since these are easily forged. Don t deal with people who want you to send them money since they are likely trying to rip you off. If you receive any further communications from these people, ignore them.
Never deal with buyers who ask you to send money to them using wire services rather than more secure payment solutions such as PayPal. If you have been a victim of these fraudulent scams, or narrowly avoided being victimized by a scam, why not share your experiences with other Craigslist users? You might successfully prevent a potential victim from losing their money. You can help by posting a report on your negative experiences with buyers on CraigGuard. CraigGuard is a new online service that was founded in order to help make Craigslist a safer place for users of their ads. If you want to post a report on CraigGuard, start by registering andcreating an account on the site. Once you have a CraigGuard account, you can use the online report form to post a buyers or sellers report.
Once this report is on the site database, users can use the internal search engine to search for the name of a person they are planning to deal with. You can also search using other particulars such as the goods they are buying or selling and their location. Of course, if you have had good experiences with a buyer or seller on Craigslist, you should also post a report on them in order to encourage others to deal with them if the opportunity should come up in the future.Published At: - Permanent Link: Got a question about this article? All information, content, and data in this article are sole opinions and/or findings of the individual user or organization that registered and submitted this article at Isnare without any fee. The article is strictly for educational or entertainment purposes only and should not be used in any way, implemented or applied without consultation from a professional. We at Isnare do not, in anyway, contribute or include our own findings Replica Oakleys, facts and opinions in any articles presented in this site. Publishing this article does not constitute Isnare's support or sponsorship for this article. Isnare is an article publishing service. Please read our for more information.
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